About Us
Where We Live: S.E. Asia, having began our labor in Asia since November of the year 2000. Ministering and living first in Taipei, Taiwan for 3 years and then moving to another location in Eastern Asia where we have lived since April of 2004.
Target Areas of Mission Work: Eastern Asia – We specifically work in Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia and three closed countries. Our heart is to see our mission projects planted in all countries of North and S.E. Asia, which holds 1/3 of the world’s population.
Eastern Asia Focus: The majority of Eastern Asia remains closed to the Gospel and many Christians are heavily persecuted for their faith in Christ. Many don’t realize that Eastern Asia holds nearly 1/3 of the world’s population with an estimate of over +80% (+1.84 billion) of them having never heard the simple message of God’s gift of salvation through Jesus. Many having never heard for the very the first time. Our heart is to help bring knowledge of God’s gift of love, given to each and every Asian national, so that none go without hearing that Christ died for them.
Church Planting Projects – REACh Intl. Ministries sponsors Asian leaders who plant churches to bring the gospel to unreached villages that hold no gospel witness. So far we have seen 44 church plants in unreached villages started. Our goal is to continue to help sponsor church plants in areas that have never heard the Gospel. The churches will then go on to disciple the new believers and empower them to reach their neighbors and communities for Christ. We see this as a longterm, lasting impact. We are honored to be able to help local Asian believers bring the gospel to places unreached through Church Planting.
Why Asia: God specifically spoke to our hearts to move to East Asia to reach and empower indigenous nationals for His ministry purpose. Many leaders from indigenous groups in Eastern Asia are desperate for biblical teachings and instruction. They have what we call a very strong spiritual hunger to know God and to make Him known. We strongly believe that Asia is the next continent to see a major move of God with rapid evangelism and church growth. We have been obedient to our Father’s leading and direction to move here and help aide Asian believers for this purpose.
Empowering & Discipling Asian Nationals. With limited ability to travel and work openly in Asia, we are training Asian nationals to evangelize and make disciples within their own culture and among their own people. We see that this is key to reaching Asians with the Gospel. Currently we are running AMGA Module Bible Training programs and we targeted 5 specific areas in Eastern Asia, 2 in a closed country, 1 in Cambodia, 1 in located in the Golden Triangle and 1 in Myanmar.