Reaching Eastern Asia for Christ!
And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations,
and then the end will come.— Matt. 24:14
Our WORK – 4- Fold
#1 What We do: The Timothy Project – 2Tim2:Two
2 Timothy 2:2 And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. NKJV …You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others. NLT

#2 What We do: The CP Project – Church Planting
Spreading the Gospel through Nationals:
We support & fund national leaders in Asia to bring the Gospel to their own distinct people groups, to reach new territories/villages and to plant new churches. You can help us support a national leader/Church Planter and be part of reaching new people with the Gospel that have never heard before. The number of national leaders we can train and support depends entirely on the number of partners that join with us.

Why working through Asian indigenous nationals?
- They know the language
and culture of their country, and thus will avoid the cultural barriers and difficulties in sharing the Gospel.
- They have access to areas closed to foreign laborers.
- Very low costs by helping the nationals within their own village.
- When the visitor has returned home the national will always remain in the field laboring for life.
#3 What We do: Food/Relief Project – Helping with Aid for the Needy

Currently REACh International is helping to provide Food relief for families in SE Asia and along national borders through our ministry leaders. Covid-19 and lockdowns in these nations has affected many who go without resources to purchase adequate food for their families. If you would like to help us provide packets for families in need, which also allows our ministry leaders to have an open door to share the Gospel of Jesus with them, you can do so by donating below. Thank you for helping us Reach Eastern Asia for Christ!

#4 What We do: The Kids of Destiny Project – Reaching Un-reached Asian Children

The vast majority of children in Asia have never been given any knowledge of Jesus and go without age appropriate ministry engagement. The reality is that more than 94% of adult Christians make their decision for Christ before the age of 18, with 12 years old being the most common age. Thus, we focus our efforts on this critical young age group.
By developing children’s ministry curriculum, facilitating outreaches and children ministry training programs.Our work is to produce & facilitate contextualized literature and ministry programs designed specifically to reach Asian kids for Christ. We are empowering and aiding Asian believers & ministries to make an impact for the children of Asia, the future of the church.

With our Kids Of Destiny Project we are sowing the seed of Jesus Christ for the destiny of forgotten and unreached generations in Eastern Asia by raising awareness and promoting initiatives to minister and reach them in a contextual setting.
The purpose is to see the Asian Church reach and engage this large, ignored harvest of children through literature and ministry programs tailored specifically for Asian Kids. We are helping to provide Asian nationals with cultural designed curriculum and artwork that is developed for 1 and 2-year programs in 10+ languages for here in Eastern and SE Asia.
All the teaching materials are about 500 words per lesson, adapted to be relevant to culture by having artwork that matches their everyday surroundings and by having Asian characters instead of European characters.
For specific countries like Cambodia, having all the people look Cambodian. All lessons are specifically designed so they are fun and interactive and well crafted that will allow high memory retention for the children.
The purpose is to see the Asian Church reach and engage this large, ignored harvest of children through literature and ministry programs tailored specifically for Asian Kids. We are helping to provide Asian nationals with cultural designed curriculum and artwork that is developed for 1 and 2-year programs in 10+ languages for here in Eastern and SE Asia.
All the teaching materials are about 500 words per lesson, adapted to be relevant to culture by having artwork that matches their everyday surroundings and by having Asian characters instead of European characters.

Please Consider Partnering with Project R.E.A.Ch. in Empowering Asian Nationals. Together we can reach more with the Good News of Christ!
Training Trainers – Reaching those that will Reach others!
And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.. —2 Timothy 2:2
About Us
Where We Live: S.E. Asia, having began our labor in Asia since November of the year 2000. Ministering and living first in Taipei, Taiwan for 3 years and then moving to another location in Eastern Asia where we have lived since April of 2004.
Target Areas of Mission Work: Eastern Asia – We specifically work in Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia and three closed countries. Our heart is to see our mission projects planted in all countries of North and S.E. Asia, which holds 1/3 of the world’s population.
Eastern Asia Focus: The majority of Eastern Asia remains closed to the Gospel and many Christians are heavily persecuted for their faith in Christ. Many don’t realize that Eastern Asia holds nearly 1/3 of the world’s population with an estimate of over +80% (+1.84 billion) of them having never heard the simple message of God’s gift of salvation through Jesus. Many having never heard for the very the first time. Our heart is to help bring knowledge of God’s gift of love, given to each and every Asian national, so that none go without hearing that Christ died for them.
Church Planting Projects – REACh Intl. Ministries sponsors Asian leaders who plant churches to bring the gospel to unreached villages that hold no gospel witness. So far we have seen 44 church plants in unreached villages started. Our goal is to continue to help sponsor church plants in areas that have never heard the Gospel. The churches will then go on to disciple the new believers and empower them to reach their neighbors and communities for Christ. We see this as a longterm, lasting impact. We are honored to be able to help local Asian believers bring the gospel to places unreached through Church Planting.
Why Asia: God specifically spoke to our hearts to move to East Asia to reach and empower indigenous nationals for His ministry purpose. Many leaders from indigenous groups in Eastern Asia are desperate for biblical teachings and instruction. They have what we call a very strong spiritual hunger to know God and to make Him known. We strongly believe that Asia is the next continent to see a major move of God with rapid evangelism and church growth. We have been obedient to our Father’s leading and direction to move here and help aide Asian believers for this purpose.
Empowering & Discipling Asian Nationals. With limited ability to travel and work openly in Asia, we are training Asian nationals to evangelize and make disciples within their own culture and among their own people. We see that this is key to reaching Asians with the Gospel. Currently we are running AMGA Module Bible Training programs and we targeted 5 specific areas in Eastern Asia, 2 in a closed country, 1 in Cambodia, 1 in located in the Golden Triangle and 1 in Myanmar.
“No one has the right to hear the Gospel twice, while there remains someone who has not heard it once!” – Oswald J. Smith
Financial donations received by REACh International will go toward spreading the Gospel of Jesus in part of the most unreached parts of the world, Eastern Asia, that holds little to no Gospel Witness for Christ! Here 80+% have never heard the gospel of Jesus before!
Partnership/Supporting/Holding the rope:
Acts 9:23-25 And after that many days were fulfilled, the Jews took counsel to kill him(Paul): But their laying await was known of Paul. And they watched the gates day and night to kill him. Then the disciples took him by night, and let him down by the wall in a basket.
When Paul first came to Christ, the religious Jews sought to take his life. The disciples immediately came to the aid of Paul and helped him escape death by letting him down the city wall in a basket by a rope. Stop and think about what these early disciples did. They partnered together with Paul to choose life over death! They supported Paul and held the rope for him. They not only saved Paul’s life, but the lives and eternal destinies of all the lives that Paul would touch and share the Gospel of Christ with. Think of all the lives still being touched by the books of the bible that Paul wrote by the Holy Spirit. Today as a Christian, we too are a life that was affected by the ministry of Paul. So, in essence, they partnered with Paul to help bring life to you and I instead of death! This is a powerful insight!
We are asking you to partner with us to help bring eternal life to the People of Eastern Asia! Will you help us reach these nations with the Life & Message of Christ, to restore them from the enemy’s plot of death? Will you help hold the Rope for us that will touch and reach the lives of many other Asian Nationals that will evangelize and reach their own people for Christ? Please ask God if He would lead you to partner with us financially to “Hold the Rope, to Reach Eastern Asia with the commission of Christ! By partnering you are helping us touch lives for Eternal Rewards!
HOW YOU can HOLD the ROPE for people in East Asia:

1. PRAYER/ help supply a prayer support base for God’s oversight, leading and protection for all that we do ministerially and for the salvation of Asian nationals in East Asia!
2. GIVING/ help financially enable us to reach and teach the nationals of these nations to share Christ. There can’t be goers without senders- Rom. 10:15 !
3. GO/ if you are a seasoned teaching minister or Pastor, you can help come to Asia to teach and minister to these precious nationals who so desperately hunger for God’s Word!
For Giving/Partnering with financial support
The Easiest way is to do so by Giving Online through our Secure site:

Note that all Giving is Tax deductible
REACh International Ministries, Inc. is registered as a U.S. 501c3 non-profit ministry.
When giving by Check, you can make your check directly out and mail to:
“REACh International Ministries”
And then mail to:
PO Box 727, Branford FL 32008
We want to personally thank each and everyone of you who have partnered with us to Serve on the Mission Field! It is a honor and a Privilege to represent the Name of Christ in these Nations. Thank You!
Philippines 4:17 “Not that I desire the Gift, but that I desire the fruit that may abound to your account because of your giving!” Thanks to all that make it possible for us to continue to fulfill Christ’s Commission to the people of Eastern Asia!

REACh International Ministries
P.O. Box 727
Branford, FL 32008
Phone/Fax: 1-386-202-4030
Message Us